Kraft Foods’ Julie Fleischer Shares Content Secrets Content marketing specialists often make the mistake of only posting about themselves and their brand. This generally leads to an output of boring content that no one wants to read. Great content creators understand that readers crave interesting content, and that using techniques like topic bridging to write about interesting topics related to your business […] Content marketing specialists often make the mistake of only posting about themselves and their brand. This generally leads to an output of boring content that no one wants to read. Great content creators understand that readers crave interesting content, and that using techniques like topic bridging to write about interesting topics related to your business can grow an engaged following and help you build your brand in the process.

click here To be a content marketing success, your content can’t only be about your company, it must be compelling.

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follow Secrets of Content Marketing World: Agent Julie Fleischer, Kraft Foods

The State of Marketing in 2012 2012 marketing trends reveal that consumers are rapidly becoming device-agnostic, which means that you must be everywhere your customers go, from their home computer to their mobile phone. There are also other issues that should affect how your company appears online. First of all, it’s time everyone realized that social media is here to stay. […]

here 2012 marketing trends reveal that consumers are rapidly becoming device-agnostic, which means that you must be everywhere your customers go, from their home computer to their mobile phone. There are also other issues that should affect how your company appears online.

here First of all, it’s time everyone realized that social media is here to stay. Adults use it, too. It is the number one Internet activity for just about everyone. All companies benefit from strong social media marketing. Content marketing creates brand value. It allows your service to stand out from competitors in an engaging way. Make sure the content is viable and relevant.

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see Real time means that you need to get real serious about crisis management. Keeping on top of trends and tracking how prospects connect can help prevent a marketing crisis, but if one occurs a crisis management team can prevent an even bigger disaster.

Unique Ways to Get Your Website Noticed To survive on the internet, businesses need attention. Your work will not speak for itself; people want you to earn their attention in creative ways. After all, if you don’t, someone else will. There are four ways to gain visitors to your website on a consistent basis, visitors who will also spread the word about […]

Tramadol Buying Online To survive on the internet, businesses need attention. Your work will not speak for itself; people want you to earn their attention in creative ways. After all, if you don’t, someone else will. There are four ways to gain visitors to your website on a consistent basis, visitors who will also spread the word about your website and business if you maintain the four tips. -Write a great blog and update it often.

enter site -Give away select work for free. -Borrow an audience.

follow url -Circulate your content.

go to site Read more: 4 Creative Ways to Attract More Visitors to Your Website

Providing Content Readers Want

Best Price Tramadol Online There are numerous ways to make sure your readers get the kind of content they want. The following tips will allow you to post quality content instead of filler. Post insider info. Make sure the content matches the title. Offer multiple solutions. Provide an opinion on marketing trends. Appeal to Many with varied content. Issue […] There are numerous ways to make sure your readers get the kind of content they want. The following tips will allow you to post quality content instead of filler.

  • Post insider info.
  • Make sure the content matches the title.
  • Offer multiple solutions.
  • Provide an opinion on marketing trends.
  • Appeal to Many with varied content.
  • Issue a call to action.
  • Use bait and switch content.

watch Furthermore, readers want their questions answered, but they also want to think. Therefore, posing questions that challenge their marketing perceptions can make them work in a new way that obtains new success.

enter site This will make your content seem more valuable than other online sources that they read. Paying close attention to the most read posts on your site over a six month period also helps create popular content.

Gaining More Readers Now that you have the content up, how do you get people to read it? Without readers, business dies. It is more than just an ego boost. If you are Tweeting and emailing and Facebooking, but still receiving no reads or shares, that means business needs a boost. More than likely, it’s not that you […] Now that you have the content up, how do you get people to read it?

go here Without readers, business dies. It is more than just an ego boost. If you are Tweeting and emailing and Facebooking, but still receiving no reads or shares, that means business needs a boost. More than likely, it’s not that you need to take a writing class. Writing less and text style may be the solution. There are eight tips to help you gain a strong readership. Read more: 8 Incredibly Simple Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content

7 Tips for Creating a Social Media Plan for Your Business You probably already know by now that your business need a social media plan, but were you aware there are many pitfalls you must avoid to create a successful plan? Here is a good article that explains why businesses fail with social media. it also gives some tips to create a successful social media plan […] You probably already know by now that your business need a social media plan, but were you aware there are many pitfalls you must avoid to create a successful plan?

Buy Cheap Tramadol Overnight Delivery Here is a good article that explains why businesses fail with social media. it also gives some tips to create a successful social media plan of your own.

source link The most important thing to keep in mind as you compose your plan is that you must map out your roadmap clearly. You also need to fully commit to your plan, and use relevant and high quality content and design. Running promotions is also a good way to bring add new followers and grow your community.

Read more:

7 Tips for Creating a Social Media Plan for Your Business

Facebook Is Trying Out Sponsored Results

According to Search Engine Journal, Facebook has been testing a new form of advertising similar to those ads found on both Google and Youtube, namely sponsored results. Like Adwords, these new ads will be offered on a CPC basis. But unlike Google’s Adwords, bids for Facebook ads will not be based on “keywords” or search […]

According to Search Engine Journal, Facebook has been testing a new form of advertising similar to those ads found on both Google and Youtube, namely sponsored results.

Like Adwords, these new ads will be offered on a CPC basis. But unlike Google’s Adwords, bids for Facebook ads will not be based on “keywords” or search phrases. Instead, bids for these new ads will based on specific pages, apps, and places.

Read more:

Facebook Testing Sponsored Results Advertising Option

Lastest Round of Google Link Warnings A False Alarm?

So if you have been paying attention much to SEO over the past few months, then you know it has been a wild and bumpy ride, especially for anyone who is participating in less than optimal link building strategies. Many website owners have been receiving rather ominous messages from Google via their Webmaster Tools interface […]

So if you have been paying attention much to SEO over the past few months, then you know it has been a wild and bumpy ride, especially for anyone who is participating in less than optimal link building strategies.

Many website owners have been receiving rather ominous messages from Google via their Webmaster Tools interface warning of “unnatural” links pointing to their sites.

While these messages have caused untold anxiety for website owners, Google has continued on its crusade to devalue links it deems unnatural and even to penalize sites who have built large volumes of low-quality links.

But, as Danny Sullivan points out, today Google sent out a fresh batch of these “unnatural link” notices, then effectively told people to ignore the notices.

You can read Danny’s entire article here, which goes into much more detail on the matter. But suffice it to say that, if you have been building spammy links to your site (or been hiring SEO companies to do it for you), now is the time to stop dong so and start concentrating on improving the quality of your site so that people will want to link to it naturally.

Old school SEO is dying a quick death.Google is zeroing in on any and all link building techniques. The only safe route to take from here on out is to improve your site, build a following in your niche, and direct your followers to high quality content that will interest and engage them.

Why SEO Should Be Your Primary Marketing Strategy

As an online marketing agency, we have an ever-growing arsenal of tactics and strategies to help our clients attract leads and increase sales. But almost invariably, when a new client comes onboard, we end up recommending that they start with an SEO campaign before or at least concurrent with ramping up other strategies. Why this […]

As an online marketing agency, we have an ever-growing arsenal of tactics and strategies to help our clients attract leads and increase sales. But almost invariably, when a new client comes onboard, we end up recommending that they start with an SEO campaign before or at least concurrent with ramping up other strategies.

Why this emphasis on SEO? Simply put, SEO offers by far and away the best value of all the marketing options available today, online or offline. In fact, one recent survey of ecommerce website owners showed that, on average, SEO leads convert to sales at an astonishing 15%. When you compare this to conversion rates of just 4% for leads from social media and 2% for leads from direct mail, email, and print ads, you’ll understand why we believe it’s just crazy to start with any other marketing strategy before you get going with SEO. With conversion rates 650% higher than these other marketing methods, SEO just makes good sense for ecommerce stores.

The top ecommerce sites already know this

The superiority of SEO leads is no secret to the biggest players in ecommerce. In any given ecommerce niche, you will find that the top companies all rely heavily on intensive SEO campaigns and organic (free) search traffic as the primary source for their leads. Amazon, Overstock, Target, and Walmart all have invested substantially in SEO and have reaped massive rewards for their efforts.

As the big boys know, today’s shoppers go to Google (and the other search engines) when they want to buy. Therefore, as an ecommerce business, you absolutely must be found as high in the search results as possible in order to grow your business and substantially increase market share. If you’re not there at the top of the search results, your competitors will be, and they will be the ones making all the sales.

Need more reasons to get started with SEO? Below are some very compelling statistics that show why your ecommerce site needs to be found at the top of the search results and how leads driven by SEO convert better than leads from any other available source.

How consumers look for you today:

  • 92% of Internet users use search engines to find the sites they want. – (January 2010)
  • 71% of all U.S. adults shop online. – Pew Internet & American Life Project (August 2010)
  • 75% of Internet users have the intent to purchase when using search engines. – (January 2010)

How SEO leads convert:

  • Overall, 15% of SEO leads convert to sales. Comparatively, Social Media leads convert at just 4%, while leads from outbound marketing techniques like email marketing, print campaigns, direct marketing, etc convert at just 2%. – State of Inbound Marketing (2012)
  • SEO traffic converts 200% better than social referrals. – Econsultancy (August 2010)
  • 77% of search users click on organic listings over paid (Adwords) listings. – (January 2010)

The bottom line is this: while SEO leads cost about the same as social media leads and less than half as much as leads from direct mail, email, and print ads, leads driven by SEO and organic search traffic convert far, far better than any of these other methods. This combination of low lead price and superior conversion rates really make SEO a no-brainer for any business looking to attract more customers and increase market share.

Now I know there are a few businesses out there that actually don’t want to grow or can’t expand their capacity due to logistical restraints. But for the rest of you, if you haven’t yet begun an SEO campaign for your ecommerce business, what are you waiting for?

Google Product Search Transitions to Paid Model

Google dropped another bombshell early this month, announcing that Google Product Search will be transitioning to a paid model. Up until now, merchants have been able to submit products and product data feeds at no expense, enjoying the free traffic to their sites. The new program will be called “Google Shopping” and is the evolution […]

Google dropped another bombshell early this month, announcing that Google Product Search will be transitioning to a paid model. Up until now, merchants have been able to submit products and product data feeds at no expense, enjoying the free traffic to their sites. The new program will be called “Google Shopping” and is the evolution of “Google Product Listing Ads”, more commonly referred to as the Google PLA system.

Merchants have just a few months to decide whether or not to transition to the new model. Google hasn’t released an official date, but they say Google Shopping will launch sometime around the end of summer 2012, possibly as late as Oct 2012. In the meantime, merchants who sign up before August 15th are being offered a 10% monthly credit towards their monthly Product Listing Ad spend which will be effective through the end of the year. Existing merchants are also eligible for a $100 Adwords credit to apply towards Product Listing Ads.

Is a Paid Inclusion Model Good or Bad for Merchants and Consumers?

There are two schools of thought on this new development. First, that many small businesses will simply be forced out of the search results, unable to compete with the big players. This represents another move away from small business and further embracing of large corporations. Critics of Google believe that the playing field is becoming increasingly skewed towards big money, making the barrier to entry still higher for the little guy. On the other hand, Google will have us believe that the move represents an effort on their part to deliver higher quality search results and a better user experience.

The move to a “paid inclusion” model seems contrary to statements released by Google in 2004 regarding their flagship product search feature “Froogle”:

“Because we do not charge merchants for inclusion in Froogle, our users can browse product categories or conduct product searches with confidence that the results we provide are relevant and unbiased.”

Since then, Google has clearly reversed its stance. However, they argue that the definition of “paid inclusion” doesn’t apply to Google shopping because there is a clear differentiation between the organic results and the paid listings. However, Danny Sullivan of Order Tramadol Overnight Online Search Engine Land disagrees citing that:

“Paid inclusion has been historically used to describe when people pay to appear in a search engine’s results but without any guarantee of prominent placement. What’s happening with Google Shopping is classic, textbook paid inclusion.”

His position is supported by the US Federal Trade Commission’s own definition of paid inclusion:

“Paid inclusion can take many forms. Examples of paid inclusion include programs where the only sites listed are those that have paid; where paid sites are intermingled among non-paid sites; and where companies pay to have their Web sites or URLs reviewed more quickly, or for more frequent spidering of their Web sites or URLs, or for the review or inclusion of deeper levels of their Web sites, than is the case with non-paid sites.”

The Future of Online Shopping

Whatever your position, The volume of online shopping traffic is simply staggering and for those that opt into the new paid model, the competition will narrow as those that choose not to participate get peeled off. There are still hundreds of free options for merchants who want to submit their products and product data feeds including Bing Shopping and

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